Vážení hráči,
Z důvodu lepší informovanosti jsme se rozdohli vytvořit novou sekci Pracujeme na... Díky této sekci se o novinkách nedozvíte až po jejich dokončení, ale můžete sledovat přímo nás postup v pracích.
Doufáme, že tuto novou sekci oceníte a pomůže k lepší informovanosti.
S pozdravem, GM Tým
Dear players,
in order to increase your awareness about the changes concerning our server, we have decided to create a new forum section called "Currently working on..." This new utility will enable you to know not only about the changes which have already been made, but also the ones which are in progress, or even those that are just being planned. In addition, you will be able to track our progress in the particular topics, due to a simple yet efficient system, as you are soon going to find out.
We hope you will appreciate this change, and that it will help you to be more informed.
Your GM Team