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iCe Online - free World of Warcraft: Cataclysm server page

Server news

Source code

11. 08. 2022, 11:20, written by Gregory

After a brief discussion in our developer team, we decided to release the source code of our 4.3.4 emulator (G-Core, internal name 'catacore'). You can find the source code here:



Server IP address change

17. 05. 2019, 14:30, written by Gregory

Dear players,

our server changes its IP address (from to a new one:

DNS records for server.ice-wow.eu and play.ice-wow.eu should be pointing to a new address in a few minutes, so if you're using one of these records in your realmlist, you don't need to change anything. However, if your realmlist contains the old IP address, please, change it to a new one or a DNS record. The server will no longer be available on the old IP address after next week.


Websites outage

13. 03. 2017, 10:23, written by Gregory

Sites and forums were unavaibale from yesterday until today morning. The reason for that was a misunderstanding of automated script ran by provider, which mistakenly marked a part of our sites as virus.

We are sorry for inconvenience, the problem is now resolved and websites are back online.


New web

01. 02. 2017, 23:45, written by Gregory

Today, a new web was published as a replacement for old, non-updated web, which was compromised by someone.

This new web has several new functions, which the old one lacked. For instance, you can view daily updated server statistics, use integrated account manager and register form, see current player count and their fraction distributioon, etc.

Furthermore, we integrated changelog system, which also offers RSS feed.

New web is still under development, we still need to finish several functions and design. We were pushed to publish this web mainly by the fact, that the old web was taken down by external force. But we also hope this web would fulfill its purpose and you'll like it.


Fangs of the Father, část 1.

18. 08. 2016, 15:34, written by Gregory

Vážení hráči a hráčky,

po delší době čekání Vám můžeme s radostí oznámit, že počínaje dnešním dnem je oficiálně spuštěn první chain legendárních rogue questů, vedoucí ke stejně legendárním zbraním - Fangs of the Father. Startovní quest najdete ve věži uvnitř Dragon Soul. Doufáme, že si prvních několik questů této legendární série užijete.

iCe GM Team